meet the heavens

Bristan and Latondra Heaven jokingly refer to themselves as a modern-day “Aquila and Priscilla” because of their distinct calling as partners in business and ministry. Founders of Kingdom REACH Leadership® and Spirit & Truth Global, the heart of everything they do can be described in one word – DISCIPLESHIP.
As Transformational Leadership Strategists, they empower leaders in business with strategies for greater team engagement and increased clarity and focus to execute in their highest revenue-producing activities and kingdom impact in the marketplace. With a passion for Kingdom discipleship and equipping at the core of their DNA, they marry their experience in corporate America, leadership development, and Christian ministry to help their clients increase both the financial and eternal ROI they receive by doing business God’s way in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
Their approach to business and ministry is non-traditional. This includes challenging status quo solutions, provoking authenticity, confronting worldly thinking with truth revealed in the Scriptures, and encouraging Spirit-led, practical application of everything learned. As such, they tend to be enemies of complacency, traditions of men, and the deception keeping God’s people yoked to that which is not appointed by Him. The goal? Raise the Bar. REACH Higher!
Bristan served in retail banking from 2007-2023, beginning as a Teller, working his way up to a Branch Manager leading multiple high-performing sales teams, and then as a VP & Senior Small Business Banking Consultant providing solutions to small businesses with annual revenues of up to 2 million that help them increase their cash flow and manage risk. Latondra worked in the mortgage banking industry from 2002 until they made a decision in 2012 to homeschool their two daughters. During her tenure as a compliance auditor, she was responsible for ensuring the company’s regulatory compliance, including auditing technology and systems compliance through two mergers.
Appointed as Co-Presidents of the Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce in June 2023, Bristan & Latondra maximize their decades of leadership experience in discipleship and mentorship, leadership training and development, strategic planning, and team empowerment to expand the reach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across Central Florida through marketplace ministry.
Bristan is a graduate of Jamaica Theological Seminary, and Latondra received her Master’s degree from Beeson Divinity School. They are both ordained ministers with hearts to know Jesus, make Him known, and reconcile others back to the heart and will of God…and they see the marketplace as a strategic way of doing so.
our values
It is critical that all potential clients understand the values and culture of Kingdom REACH Leadership, LLC, because we do not follow the patterns of the world in the delivery of our services. We understand that we are not a good fit for everyone; but we also know that there are many who are desperately seeking a collaboration such as the one we provide.
Before requesting further information regarding strategy sessions and training, be sure to confirm that you are in agreement and alignment with the following:
The King's agenda is our top priority.​​ In a world where everyone is an expert and self-exaltation is promoted, our primary goal is that whatever is done, is done in accordance to what the Lord wants to see happen in every situation. Although this oftentimes goes against the grain of mainstream practices, this is where eternal fruit is borne. We simply reap the benefits of our obedience to and partnership with Him.
We are unwilling to compromise the message of Truth. If it is in opposition to the Word of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the character of God, then we will challenge it. Because these principles are the foundation of the Kingdom, compromising them would also compromise our mission.
We operate from a place of grace and not striving, in active partnership with the Holy Spirit. Intimacy with God precedes our work. In his book, Our Unfair Advantage: Unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Business, Dr. Jim Harris lists nine common ways business leaders are typically led. All of them lead you down a path of grinding, burnout, and a perpetual cycle of chasing and desiring more. We help our clients to be Holy-Spirit led in order to live from the place of grace that brings joy, rest, and God's abundance.
What we do flows out of who we are. Understanding who we are in Christ and how He designed us gives us another advantage in maximizing our influence without unnecessary toil. We work from a place of authenticity and strengths, and that's the zone we aim to get our clients in. If something is not in alignment with our authentic selves or is a critical weakness for us, we will not accept the assignment.
We are passionate about growth and embrace the stretch. The only way to tap into the potential that God has deposited in us is to grow into it. We never stop learning, and part of the stretch is applying what is learned and then to dive into the deep, despite the obstacles we face.
We are serious about commitment and integrity. We all make time for the things that are important to us. We give our very best (without excuse) in everything we do, and our clients do the same. Following through with what we say we'll do and living according to the Spirit is our standard for integrity. This includes shunning all manipulative, deceptive, and pressure tactics in the name of "getting ahead."
We are intentional with accountability. We all are admonished not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. Growth occurs best in an environment where others have the permission to speak into our lives, challenge us, and correct us. A leader who refuses to be held accountable is one who is headed for destruction.
We value family and love to have fun. One of the greatest graces we have been given is that of relationships. The well-being of our family is priority over our "success." We encourage all of our clients to fervently invest in the relationships that are most important to them. We also remind them that, because we should not be in a constant state of hustle, we should all set aside regular time to do things that enjoyable and make us laugh. This brings joy to the heart of our heavenly Father!